What is the Numerology Pyramid Chart? What is the Significance of the Numbers at the 4 Peaks?

Numerology Pyramid

Numerology Pyramid may be familiar to many people when learning and researching Numerology. Experts in the field of numerology have discovered the peaks of human life according to a certain rule related to birth numbers. Through these numbers, it is possible to predict all future issues of each person. To understand the peaks of human life, don’t miss the useful sharing from Tracuuthansohoc through the detailed analysis below.

What is the Numerology Pyramid Chart?

Learn about the pyramid in modern numerology (Source: Tra cứu thần số học report)
Learn about the pyramid in modern numerology (Source: Tra cứu thần số học report)

The emergence of the numerology pyramid is not accidental and has not just appeared in recent years. Numerology expert Dr. David Philip believes that the formation of pyramids began on the island of Atlantis in ancient times. After that, they spread worldwide.

The numerology pyramid chart has inspired many kings and leaders in ancient times. From ancient times, the structure of the pyramid in numerology has become very special and important. Gradually, until now, architectural simulations are still uniquely expressed.

Not only that, ancient documents show that the founder of Numerology, Pythagoras, studied in Egypt for 22 years and also researched and understood the nature and purpose of the famous pyramid towers in Egypt. Along with that, he also studied philosophical theories and then proposed the structure of the pyramid in the field of Numerology.

For ancient people, the pyramid’s meaning was always highly valued. Symbolically, pyramids represent human aspirations. Materially, pyramid architectures always concentrate enormous energy and store the secrets of eternal life. The wisdom, knowledge, and secrets of leaders were always buried there, carrying a spiritual meaning that could impact future generations.

The Four Peaks of Life in the Numerology Pyramid Chart

The numerology pyramid chart consists of four peaks of life corresponding to the 9-year cycle of life. Specifically, it represents a 27-year period divided into three cycles, each cycle lasting 9 years. At the end of each 9-year cycle, each individual will achieve certain successes corresponding to the numbers at each peak of the pyramid.

Ages that can reach the four peaks of life in numerology
Ages that can reach the four peaks of life in numerology

Formula for Calculating the Four Peaks of Life

Age = 36 – Key Number


  • Age: This is the age at which you can reach the first peak of the pyramid.
  • Key Number: The number derived from the sum of your birth date, month, and year, reduced to a single digit.
  • 36 is a special secret number in the numerology pyramid.

36 is not a randomly appearing number but a very important number in the design and construction of ancient pyramids. 36 is the square of 6 – a number of creativity. Using the number 36 in calculating the age to reach the peak of the Pyramid ensures that everyone can reach the peak of the Pyramid in their 9th personal year.

According to the analysis of renowned numerologists worldwide, they have listed the ages at which each person can reach the peak of the Pyramid. This is clearly shown in the analysis table below:

Table of ages to reach the four peaks of life in numerology (Source: internet)
Table of ages to reach the four peaks of life in numerology

How to Calculate the Four Peaks in the Numerology Pyramid Chart

The formation of the pyramid chart was researched and described by numerology expert Dr. David Philip with overlapping towers. The four peaks represent the harvest period of the 9-year life cycle. Dr. Philip described it in a detailed and rather complex manner. However, to make it easier for everyone to understand, this article will outline the core issues so that readers can grasp them more easily.

To form the four peaks of life, you need to follow six steps. In David Philip’s famous numerology book, he also outlines six steps but changes the order to make it easier for readers to understand and apply immediately.

To find your numerology pyramid, follow these steps:

Step 1: Reduce the numbers of your birth date, month, and year

First, write down your birth date, month, and year according to the Gregorian calendar. Then, add those numbers together until they are reduced to a single digit.

For example:

Your birth date: 1/5/1974

So, the calculation of the total numbers to a single digit is as follows:

  • Birth date: Keep the number 1
  • Birth month: Keep the number 5
  • Birth year: 1+9+7+4=21= 2+1= 3

So, you have found the numbers 1, 5, 3. Next, follow the subsequent steps.

Step 2: Form two pyramids at the lowest level

In this step, draw two triangles in the shape of a pyramid connected in the middle. You will have three base points. Among them:

  • The first base point is the leftmost base, write the number of the birth month (reduced to a single digit)
  • The second base point is the middle base, the intersection of the two pyramids. Write the reduced birth date number here.
  • The third base is the year number reduced to a single digit.

So, the numerology pyramid chart for the birth date of 1/5/1974 is as follows:

Pyramid chart for the birth date 1/5/1974
Pyramid chart for the birth date 1/5/1974

Calculate the peaks of your numerology pyramid now!

Full Name at Birth:

Commonly Used Name (e.g., Louis Nguyen,...)

Date of Birth (Gregorian Calendar):

Step 3: Form the peaks of the first two pyramids

To form the peak of the numerology pyramid, add the number at the first base to the number at the second base to get a number. This is the peak of the first pyramid.

Next, add the number at the second base to the number at the third base to get a number. This is the peak of the second pyramid. When finding the two peaks of the pyramid, always reduce the numbers to a single digit.

So, for the birth date of 5/1/1974, the two peaks are: The first peak is 5+1 =6 and the second peak is 1+3=4.

Two peaks of the birth date 5/1/1974
Two peaks of the birth date 5/1/1974

Step 4: Form the last two peaks of the numerology pyramid

To form the next two peaks of the pyramid, follow these steps:

  • Add the peak number of the first pyramid to the peak number of the second pyramid to get the third pyramid peak.
  • The fourth pyramid peak is calculated by adding the first base number (leftmost base at the lowest level) to the third base number.

When calculating the last two peaks, do not reduce the numbers to a single digit. Keep the special number as it is. However, if the peak number exceeds 12, apply the principle of summing to a number from 1 to 11.

For the birth date of 5/1/1974, the next two peaks are: The third peak is 6+4=10 and the fourth peak is 5+3=8.

Pyramid chart with four peaks for the birth date 5/1/1974
Pyramid chart with four peaks for the birth date 5/1/1974

Step 5: Match the four peaks of the Numerology Pyramid with your corresponding age

After going through the above four steps, you have found the four peaks of the Numerology Pyramid. In this step, apply the formula mentioned above to calculate the age at which you reach each peak of the Pyramid.

  • The age to reach the first pyramid peak is 36 – Key Number. Use different colored inks for each pyramid peak to easily follow.
  • Next, for the second pyramid peak, add 9 to the age at which you reached the first peak.
  • The age at the third peak is the age at the second peak plus 9.
  • Continue for the fourth peak by adding 9 to the age at the third peak.

After calculating the ages at the pyramid peaks, review the results. You will see that from the first peak to the last fourth peak is exactly 27 years, equal to three 9-year cycles. These are the four peaks of life that everyone experiences, but you need to live through 27 years of adulthood to reach all of them.

For those with a Key Number of 11, they will reach the first peak at 25. The corresponding ages for the second, third, and fourth peaks are 34, 43, and 52. They will maintain their average level built over 27 years.

For those with a lower Key Number, like 2 or 3, they will reach the first peak later, around 33-34 years. However, they will enjoy peaks in later stages of life. Specifically, the second peak is at 42-43 years, the third peak at 51-52 years, and the final peak at 60-61 years.

Pyramid chart for the birth date 5/1/1974
Pyramid chart for the birth date 5/1/1974

Step 6: Reference the Characteristics of the Numbers at the Peaks of the Pyramid

So, calculating the numerology pyramid peaks is not too difficult. After calculating, everyone will surely wonder about the characteristics of each peak number related to finances, career, strength, or wisdom. At this time, you need to review the numbers at the peaks of the pyramid and reference each specific case. To understand more, follow the next section of our analysis.

Exploring the Meaning of the Numbers at the Pyramid Peaks

The numbers at the peaks of the Pyramid always provide essential and useful information. This helps you envision your life’s journey and know which direction to take to achieve success. To understand the meaning of each number at the Pyramid peaks, refer to the numerology pyramid meaning through the following analyses:

Peak Number 1

Number 1 is only at the first Pyramid peak. When moving to other Pyramid peaks, they will change to number 10. Number 1 in numerology is a very practical number representing a phase of individual efforts. In many cases, it shows separation from relationships lacking harmony or hindering personal development. This could be unsuccessful business ventures, unhappy marriages, or relationships that have hindered you for many years.

Peak Number 1 in the Numerology Pyramid
Peak Number 1 in the Numerology Pyramid

Some people choose to avoid separations at all costs. They try to maintain their initial values. But they still recognize certain changes in that issue. At different times, personal traits become stronger and more distinct.

Often, from this stage onwards, there are relationships that hurt you that you want to break away from but cannot. But there are also relationships that do not break but transform into a new state that makes you feel more comfortable than ever. The more mature the soul, the more clearly they express their individuality.

Peak Number 2

If the peak of the Numerology Pyramid is number 2, this is a phase that begins to reveal life habits and practices. This brings people emotions and intuition. Spiritual and mental values are expressed through positive or negative perspectives, depending on each person’s maturity level.

Peak Number 2 in the Numerology Pyramid
Peak Number 2 in the Numerology Pyramid

The peak with number 2 in numerology is a phase where people work hard and progress very slowly materially. During this period, one cannot have two things at once. Everything has its appropriate time. If life gives you the number 2 at one of the pyramid peaks, stay calm and focus on spiritual development first. Then, everything else will gradually come and develop more sustainably.

Peak Number 3

Number 3 is the time for you to learn to expand your knowledge and wisdom. This is a phase to help people learn, evaluate, and analyze. Even at the peak of the Numerology Pyramid, it urges you to travel.

During this phase, people not only travel for leisure but also seek to expand knowledge and broaden their perspectives.

At the peak of Number 3 in Numerology, people need to let their minds expand positively. If not, you may become a person who criticizes others and makes unreasonable demands.

Peak Number 4

Number 4 represents an increase in material strength. This is expressed in various ways depending on each person’s maturity level. For diligent and hardworking people, this is a phase where they can reap many successes thanks to the vibration of number 4 in numerology.

Peak Number 4 in the Numerology Pyramid
Peak Number 4 in the Numerology Pyramid

For those knowledgeable in using senses, this phase brings greater maturity. For those who prefer practical work, this is the time to reap the success of their efforts. However, for greedy people, this is the phase where they lose if they are too selfish.

Peak Number 5

Number 5 in numerology often indicates that this peak phase is related to emotional states. If one follows the natural development trajectory, there will be spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of life, leading to personal freedom.

At the peak of the numerology pyramid with number 5, it also reflects human instinctive reactions to surrounding situations. Those who previously worried about financial stability will worry less thanks to a more balanced view of their real needs.

Peak Number 6

This number indicates a strong increase in creative power. This is the phase where the highest spiritual and intellectual elements combine to reveal the essential roles in an infinite plan that nature has for each person’s life.

However, not everyone attains this awareness; only more mature individuals achieve higher evolution levels and have the clearest perceptions. Most people highly value material life. But at the time of number 6 in numerology, wisdom and patience help people avoid material and emotional mistakes.

Peak Number 7

Number 7 is the number that can bring many amazing changes in each person’s life. This is the time when everyone wants to share everything they have learned so far. Doing so will lead to significant progress in discovering one’s hidden values.

At the peak of the Numerology Pyramid with number 7, it is full of practical experiences requiring many challenging lessons. Successful people will have enough knowledge to serve others. Those not yet successful can continue to gather the necessary experience for life.

People affected by the vibration of number 7 in numerology often have a destiny with teaching-related professions. These teachings usually relate to numerology, therapy, art, or spiritual awareness.

Peak Number 8

Peak Number 8 in the Numerology Pyramid
Peak Number 8 in the Numerology Pyramid

This number represents the power of independence. Depending on each person’s Key Number, it will show which fields they excel in. Specifically, those with even Key Numbers often tend to succeed financially when working independently. Odd Key Numbers may succeed in artistic fields.

However, everyone needs to express the power of the vibration of number 8 in numerology most positively. Do not let negative factors or personal views hinder this vibration’s spread. If affected, it could lead to separation and more negative impacts.

Peak Number 9

This number opens a phase rich in humanity. The vibration of number 9 in numerology brings many special opportunities to serve humanity. This is also a phase where you can use intellectual capabilities to achieve certain successes.

At the peak of the Numerology Pyramid with number 9, many people will require your time and energy. Additionally, many will be willing to serve you to help you achieve the best success. Be wary of those pretending to attract your attention. Therefore, stay alert during this phase.

The peak phase influenced by number 9 ensures many life changes. If the changes are not related to trips, they could involve changing homes, jobs, or relationships. Some people may not only change one aspect but also undergo many major changes.

Peak Number 10

Peak Number 10 in the Numerology Pyramid
Peak Number 10 in the Numerology Pyramid

Number 10 usually appears at the third or fourth peak of the Numerology Pyramid. It occurs when a person’s maturity reaches certain extremes. Number 10 represents a unique source of power, an ability that few possess.

For old souls carrying number 10 in numerology during this peak phase, they often have a very important responsibility to guide and encourage those facing many difficulties in life. This is not just a simple responsibility but also brings practical benefits to oneself.

Peak Number 11

Similar to peak number 10, the numerology pyramid peak number 11 only appears at the third or fourth peak. This number signifies high maturity as it requires the ability to bear a certain spiritual responsibility.

This phase rapidly and strongly develops intuition. Actions inspired by this phase encourage everyone to achieve the most realistic results. However, individuals must meet certain spiritual requirements to maximize the potential that number 11 in numerology brings.

Through the above detailed analysis and shared skills about the Numerology Pyramid, we hope the Online Numerology page provides you with the most useful information. It is clear that this is a rather abstract issue. Everyone needs time to research, understand, and thoroughly analyze all issues. Each person goes through their own pyramid peaks. Each number at the peak represents each person’s life. Therefore, it is necessary to grasp it to orient life in better directions.

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